lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Self Evaluation of my academic year

The year 2009 was the year where finish with my matters in the University. Is my fourth year in the career and the fifth year in the University of Chile. So it is an important year for me where I finish my pre-grade formation and then be able to develop myself as a professional sociologist. Also it was my last year with my university classmates, without forget that this year is the finish of 17 years of education to get to be a professional, doing more important this academic year, with all the feelings that the finish of cycle education implies in the life of a person.
Now, with respect my self evaluation of the academic year in general terms, it was a difficult year because i had to work and study at a time, so my time was reduce to makle both functions. I did not have much free time, so I spent my free time to rest to function well in the university and at work. I also had periods of stress and depression which led to my performance down in my duties, but still could pass.
With respect to my learning in the University, it was good because fourth-year classes have a more practical character, so feel that work is being done for the society and are interesting and relevant. So you are more motivated because you fell like your work and you are used your skills learned throughout your educational development.
Another important point about my academic year, is that this year start to feel things you have learned that you can apply in any work or any investigation, so you feel that your knowledge is important and scientifically, other than common sense, so can contribute to society from social sciences.
Finally, with respect to my qualifications in the university have been acceptable but they can always improve if I propose.
In conclusion, it has been a year of many emotions, hard work and effort on my part and that by the time I managed to overcome the difficulties that have come to me. I have also learned a lot about sociology, as I applied my knowledge in various investigations, which is good to understand what they are for my knowledge acquired at university. I hope to finish this year in a good way to then take a vacation, start my thesis, get my degree and develop as a professional.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in your discipline

In this moment the sociology is in various challenges with respect matters of improve the quality of sociology that is creating in the classrooms.

A point about challenges that have the sociology in the country is the used technology for make investigation of quality that delivers the Sociology to the society. This technology should be in function to make investigations that serve to the society and being a contribution for the knowledge. The problems of the software are that doesn't solve important problematic that is presents in the investigations about society. For this, we should make software that can process data and obtain better results.

Another area in the Sociology with challenges to face is the social matters and its contribution for society. This is an important point because the Sociology must have a function for the society, contribute and focus in the social reality for not to convert in a unproductive science and slightly applicable to the society. The sociology has been an actor irrelevant on the public spaces, for this is important that make changes on the focus and utility of the Sociology for the society and to position to the Sociology as an important actor with voice in the society. The critical issue of this point is how to position to the sociology as an actor with a influential voice in the society.

With respect the education, the sociology should be improve the quality of career imparted in the university, generate knowledge relevant for the society and improve the matters that shape the career of Sociology in the Universities. A critical issue is the financing that have this type of careers, as also the resources assigned for this type of social investigation. Another critical issues is the quality of infrastructure of the faculties of social sciences. So it is necessary that the State asigned additional resources to revitalize the social sciences in the country.

A piece of news

The piece of news that I comment is about the case of espionage between Chile and Perú for the limits problems. This accusation is of Perú against Chile for a espionage supposition and information that Chile was received of a Peruvian infiltrator.

This news is very important for relationship between both countries because this affects the relationship Chilean-Peruvian causing political problems and hatred between both villages. Another important point is the bad image with that both countries are, Chile as a bad neighbor with the countries bordering provoking disputes of territories, and Perú as a country with bad relationship provoking wars for territories that was assigned years ago and was signed in a contract between both countries. All this is taken in account for the international tribunals for then take decisions about this problem.

This problem affects the immigrant Peruvians that live in Chile, being these immigrants a great majority in the country. For what it is a news that concerns the relations between the villages of both countries.

With respect the news I like to watch on TV, would be about reducing social inequality and poverty, improved quality of life and things like that.

lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2009

Improving your Faculty Facilities

The situation in my Faculty with respect to the necessary facilities for the ideal development of the academic activities is deficient.

In the Faculty there aren't sufficient classrooms for the pupils, neither adapted laboratories for the anthropologists, there is an absence of spaces for suitable studies and places for the development to investigate.

In the Faculty, there has been progress with respect to the technology implementation with new computer rooms.

Now, the first steps that there would be necessary to give it is the increase of budget inverted from the faculty, and granted by the State as investment for the public education.

This Investment must be in use in increasing and improving the classrooms, implementing spaces for the quality study and improving all the facilities.

The benefits of these implementations for the faculty are the increase of the quality of the university public education, which is related to the generation of professionals and quality scientists. With this it is achieved to create qualit knowledge for the society.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Election Day

I am not registered for the electoral votes for motives of that I not feeling represented by the political parties that take part in the parliamentary politics.
I feel that the politics has been discredited by the current actors, which it does not motivate to the youth that observes this type of politics and they are not feeling represented for the politicians. Then as way of representing my dissatisfaction, I am not registered.
My opinion about the electoral campaigns is that it necessary in order that the candidates show his programs for the society, but they have not been good lately at terms of contents and offers.
About the qualities that a presidential candidate must have, are honesty, good ideas, and commitment with the country, he or she must be an intelligent person who looks for the necessary changes for the problems that concern to the country.
With respect the question about I become a politician, mi answer is yes, I have considered becoming a politician at some time at if the conditions are given and there is a political project that represents me.
The ministry at which I would be employed would be that of Economy because it is a ministry where I might solve one of the principal problems that concerns to the country that is the social inequality.

The five problems that they need from immediate solution are:
1. Inequality distribution of income.
2. The labour exploitation.
3. The low quality of the public education.
4. The low quality of the public health.
5. The inequality of opportunities.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Summary from a career-related article from The Guardian

Recession Britain
"While the pace of decline in GDP slowed to 0.8% from the 2.4% seen in the first three months of 2009, the economy has suffered a cumulative contraction of 5.7% in the past five quarters".

The article speaks about economics contracted and the fall of the GDP in Great Britain, which is accumulating falls from the first quarter up to the second one. Registering a fall of 0,8 percent in the quarter June July and August. This falls in GPD is thebiggest since 1930 where the crisis of 29's in the store markets United States.

This indicates that the big crises of the European markets relate directly to the economy of United States what reflects the great importance of this one world economy.

Today the economy United States influences on the international markets, when the currency of USA is falling down, Europe's exports become slightly competitive on the North American markets for its high cost. Then, since the fact that the consumption of The United States is very big and important for the world economy and the exports of the world, specifically the European ones. Then the crisis that has lived recently The United States is concerning Europa's economy and the world on having lowered its rates of consumption and having imported minor quantities of foreign products.

The effects in the British society it is the fall of the GDP with increases of the rate of unemployment, low in the social securities, as also a fall in the consumption, the sales in the markets trades and the levels of production.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws.

The capital punishment isn't solution to reduce criminality because not solution the social problems that are behind and produce the existense of these crimes.What proposes the death penalty only implies a solution with respect to the consequences of a social problem that is the social inequality and the poverty.
According to my opinion, the capital punishment does not have pros because it is a medieval measure that does not propose a solution to the reasons that provoke the crimes, neither an alteration of these delincuent conducts , only it decides on the life of a person in an irresponsible way.
The cons of the capital punishment are the same dedicated arguments on because it is a wrong measure to solve the problems of the delinquency and it is a wrong measure because it is a mesure that takes decisions with respect to the life of the other persons.

The government with respect to the high rates of criminality must take preventive measure on the social risks to fall down in these conducts delictuales, for example do campaigns in neighborhoods with high social vulnerability. Also take measure with regard to the high inequality of revenue and the decrease of the poverty.
According to my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile is explains for the social segregation, the inequality that vulnerabilizan to certain social sectors that fall down in the delinquency.
Once I had an experience of suffering a crime where they stole the radio of the car.

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

What to do / Where to go in Santiago

The places that a foreign tourist should visit in Santiago to know the idiosyncrasy "santiaguina" are places that they find inthe center of the capital. Touristic places like the neighborhoods of Bellavista and Lastarria, the hills Santa Lucia and the San Cristobal, the Central Market, the Forest Park and the museum of Bellas Artes among others.
In the day the tourist must visit the outdoor places with nature as the Forest park or the hills Santa Lucia and the San Cristobal, where he can enjoy the landscapes of enviroment and to be related by the people of Chile. Before can be going to have lunch products of the sea to the Central Market where he was finding typical figures of the Chilean idiosyncrasy. In the evening he can be going to with more cultural like places as the museum and the neighborhood Lastarria where he will find places to converse, to read and to take a cup of coffee. In the night the tourist must visit places of night entertainment as the neighborhood Bellavista, or more typical Chilean places as "the Piojera", where he can drink and dance.
The top 5 of places you must visit in Santiago are:
  1. Neighborhood Bellavista because it is a very good place of night entertainment where you can drink, dance and related with the people.
  2. Central Market where you can enjoy the Chilean gastronomy.
  3. Neighborhood Lastarria where you can know the intellectual culture of Chile.
  4. The hills San Cristobal where you can ride in cable car and see all Santiago from the sky.
  5. Museum of Bellas Artes where you can see art of Chile.

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009


My experience during the high school with respect the subject it was positive in the sense of having had a great quantity of subjects that allowed me to be a more integral person and to know all the professional areas, with elective of specialization with a quality in general positive.
In relation with the teachers of the college, my experience was also positive in terms of learning, but the relation that appears in the classrooms was very asymmetric for what was not leaving space for the creation of debates and a mutual learning.
With respect to the technology that existed in the high school, it was regular because to the fact that the new technologies were implemented but I couldn't to enjoy them.
The education that I received during the college was determinant because the quality of of this one influences my expectations for the future to be a professional. Also it is important the tools and the wide knowledge to be able to decide the area indicated for me.

The authorities must implement policies of improvement of the quality of the education, with a better formation for the teachers, more motivations for the pupils and a system of public education it deigns for the Chilean society.

Every person has a great responsibility with his education according to the motivations of life that has, but also there exists the factor of the possibilities and monetary capacities to obtain a quality education, for it a social inequality exists with respect to the education that receives.

Now, I believe that the saying "when the student is ready the teacher appears" is true and means that while exist people motivated to learning, the teachers take the role of traspasing the knowledge and educating.

Transantiago: Before and after...

Transantiago is the new system of public transport implemented in the government of Michelle Bachelet. Transantiago it consisted of a change of the tours, of the buses and the forms of financing that these had.
In the fist time, the system had many problems with respect the wrong planning of the same system, with wrong and few tours, lack of buses in traffic and with wrong form of financing that left negative balances to the system.
In comparison with the old system of public transport, Transantiago presents improvements with respects to buses wuith better technology, the system of payment is better and the stopbus is more tidy.
The disadvantages that Transantiago presents are the quantity of transfer that it is necessary to realize, the buses are more saturated of people, and present more quantity of evasions of payment for the users.
Now, in comparison of the system since it began with how is now, according to my experience, it has improved substantially with respect to the mentioned points: tours, saturation of people, financing, etc. But many low points stay for improving that the authorities have not taken them measured adapted to overcome the problems.
Finally, the solutions to improve the problems of the Transantiago must pass for an extensive study of the system, with qualified professionals who realize a good diagnosis of the situation, then to realize a correct for a system of worthy transport for the community.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit...

The country I would like to visit is Holland because it’s a nice place and its society is really interesting. Their society is very modern and cosmopolitan with a bohemian metropolis and the people have higher levels of education and acculturation.
My purpose is to go to Holland for a university postgrade and then work a few years and get work experience. With the money earned to travel throughout Europe and parts of the Middle East.
The information about Holland I have is that Holland is a country that is under sea level, hence its name is Netherlands. So they have developed a large engineering system to overcome the problems this has caused.
They also have great social services like education, health, safety, so that the whole society benefits from them and do not discriminate on its posibility to obtain these services. This is achieved thanks to high tax rates that give the State.
I would like to learn their language, their culture and why not get a girlfriend from Netherlands.
About what kind of work I would do, I wish it were the type of investigated the social sciences and world economies.

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

First Term: Good and Bad Points

The relevant things I learned in the University have to do with a profession. The Sociology as a profession is fun and interesting. Read and understand the Sociology and the sociologist, has been one of good points of being in the University.
Also the responsibilities that one acquires at university, as the rigors of attending classes, study and work in groups, are important points in my personal growth. Do not forget the important space that is the University for generate social network and friends.
With regard to sociology, has been important for my personal growth as well as to better understand the world and to make contributions for this.
The bad points with respect the assistement to class in the University is havin to wake up earlyand studyuntil very late, sometimes can not sleep.

About my free time i like listening to music, watching movies, playing guitar and reading books.
The sports i do are football, tennis and table tennis. Sometimes i like running in the mornings.

The challenges that I had to have been the death of my father 12 years ago, and having to work to be independent and live alone.

segundo semestre

English 4