lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

Summary from a career-related article from The Guardian

Recession Britain
"While the pace of decline in GDP slowed to 0.8% from the 2.4% seen in the first three months of 2009, the economy has suffered a cumulative contraction of 5.7% in the past five quarters".

The article speaks about economics contracted and the fall of the GDP in Great Britain, which is accumulating falls from the first quarter up to the second one. Registering a fall of 0,8 percent in the quarter June July and August. This falls in GPD is thebiggest since 1930 where the crisis of 29's in the store markets United States.

This indicates that the big crises of the European markets relate directly to the economy of United States what reflects the great importance of this one world economy.

Today the economy United States influences on the international markets, when the currency of USA is falling down, Europe's exports become slightly competitive on the North American markets for its high cost. Then, since the fact that the consumption of The United States is very big and important for the world economy and the exports of the world, specifically the European ones. Then the crisis that has lived recently The United States is concerning Europa's economy and the world on having lowered its rates of consumption and having imported minor quantities of foreign products.

The effects in the British society it is the fall of the GDP with increases of the rate of unemployment, low in the social securities, as also a fall in the consumption, the sales in the markets trades and the levels of production.

lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws.

The capital punishment isn't solution to reduce criminality because not solution the social problems that are behind and produce the existense of these crimes.What proposes the death penalty only implies a solution with respect to the consequences of a social problem that is the social inequality and the poverty.
According to my opinion, the capital punishment does not have pros because it is a medieval measure that does not propose a solution to the reasons that provoke the crimes, neither an alteration of these delincuent conducts , only it decides on the life of a person in an irresponsible way.
The cons of the capital punishment are the same dedicated arguments on because it is a wrong measure to solve the problems of the delinquency and it is a wrong measure because it is a mesure that takes decisions with respect to the life of the other persons.

The government with respect to the high rates of criminality must take preventive measure on the social risks to fall down in these conducts delictuales, for example do campaigns in neighborhoods with high social vulnerability. Also take measure with regard to the high inequality of revenue and the decrease of the poverty.
According to my opinion, the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile is explains for the social segregation, the inequality that vulnerabilizan to certain social sectors that fall down in the delinquency.
Once I had an experience of suffering a crime where they stole the radio of the car.