lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit...

The country I would like to visit is Holland because it’s a nice place and its society is really interesting. Their society is very modern and cosmopolitan with a bohemian metropolis and the people have higher levels of education and acculturation.
My purpose is to go to Holland for a university postgrade and then work a few years and get work experience. With the money earned to travel throughout Europe and parts of the Middle East.
The information about Holland I have is that Holland is a country that is under sea level, hence its name is Netherlands. So they have developed a large engineering system to overcome the problems this has caused.
They also have great social services like education, health, safety, so that the whole society benefits from them and do not discriminate on its posibility to obtain these services. This is achieved thanks to high tax rates that give the State.
I would like to learn their language, their culture and why not get a girlfriend from Netherlands.
About what kind of work I would do, I wish it were the type of investigated the social sciences and world economies.

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